About Us

To make you the "chosen one”,
from category creator to a leader and beyond.


Businesses , global or local are constantly exploring novel ways to thrive, grow and outperform.

At iEnabler, this is what we believe is our core mission and calling. As a company we specialize in guiding organizations of all sizes to realize their transformational possibilities. We help them to navigate business complexities and generate value for stakeholders in novel ways.

Our iEnabler platform has proved to be an empowering asset for companies wanting to chart the next growth curve in their existing lines of business, cultivate new markets and craft new products and capitalise on their differentiators.

The unique Innovation enablement process makes it possible for companies to recalibrate their strategies, work-processes and evaluation systems to differentiate their business and increase profitable revenue.

The proprietary Think models embedded into the software has been particularly helpful in compressing the time cycle for new product development and develop a culture of focused/structured innovation intervention to produce tangible outcomes.

iEnabler also offers the ‘Innovation Sherpa program’ where we build Innovation champions who can activate and accelerate the scale and scope of Innovation initiatives in the organization.

We work with Leadership team, Entrepreneurs and Business owners who dream of a new possibility and have engaged with emerging companies ( Startups ), fast-growing companies and enterprises in the Silicon Valley, Bengaluru, Tel Aviv, and Singapore who found great value in our platforms and processes.

Our clients have used iEnabler to

Discover New Products & Generate IP

Build New Business models

Grow Profitable Revenue

Explore New markets

Create Service Industry Innovations



Sridhar is Founder & Chief Integrator at Innovation Enabler. He is a Senior Industry Advisor with a decade and a half of consulting experience. He has led a number of Management level Consulting assignments with Telecom , Energy, Manufacturing and Healthcare Majors. Sridhar holds Executive MBA from IIMB, Degree in Innovation & IP from IISc, Bangalore.


Dr Shankar is Chief Mentor Senior Advisor at Innovation Enabler. He is the source of inspiration for Team Innovation Enabler to develop Innovation platform which was conceived when he was teaching Innovation at IISc. He has rich experience in translating Ideas to Innovation and has 14 yrs of industry experience in leading technology innovations in GE, Dow and Honeywell. He has a PhD from IISc and degree in Management from IIMB.


Prof Achuta Rao is Director and Innovation Guru at Innovation Enabler. He has over 30 years of Industry experience and has provided Innovation Consulting at Honeywell, Volvo, Timken, L&T Group, 3M. His area of Interest includes Innovative Product Development, Product Design, Systematic Innovation TRIZ, Lean Design and QFD. He developed the first digital paper and film processor, first pager in India.


Shilpa Sridhar is product manager at Innovation Enabler responsible for executing the Product Vision. She has rich experience in Product Engineering Lifecycle. Prior to Innovation Enabler, she has worked for MNC’s in different disciplines. Shilpa holds PG from IIT, Kharagpur and Engineering in Computer Science. She has completed her Entrepreneur Management Program at Indian School of Business and pursuing PG in Intellectual Property from National Law School.


Technology leader with over 20 years of experience. Product building is his passion.That too enterprise-class!!. He held​ ​senior management roles at Savaari and Swiggy in B2C space. Worked across various technology stacks at Sun Microsystems, Intel, Novell, HP, Yahoo, Tesco. Post Engineering has attended many management programs at prestigious universities and an avid reader.


Rohit Nallapeta is founder and CEO at Glance. Glance is a AI-based software app that creates a report card of all marketing data. In his previous venture, Rohit bootstrapped a creative marketing agency, AdNuance Inc in the bay area. He developed Lean Marketing Canvas, a methodology that helps businesses capture their key marketing message and articulate their core value proposition. Over the past few years, Rohit built many applications and products related to personalization and marketing.

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